Author Archives: alicelmiller

Table Topics – Failure

FailureIs it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place?

This was the question for our contestants, in our recent club Table Topics Contest. We heard great answers ranging from the associated risk/reward, getting up when you fall down and no blueprint to follow. Continue reading

Sea Change

Sea ChangeAs another year passes, we look forward to the future whilst also reflecting on the days gone by.  To goals we accomplished and goals we didn’t. To what we should have done and what could have been.  It is time to step out of the shackles of the past and into a bigger and brighter future.It is time to dream and dream big for 2013.  Imagine 12 months from now. What will you have accomplished?For some, it is a change in career (that’s me!),  climbing your tenth fourteener, changing your lifestyle to feel happier and healthier and so on….

As Albert Einstein said – ‘Imagination is everything.  It is the preview to life’s coming attractions’.

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